Pokemon Fur Red - Part 1 (Eevee)


A New Long-form Series now exclusively on my blog!


This story starts as many creepypastas do: with a cursed cartridge at a garage sale. However, this cartridge was a bit different, as Luka found out as stuck in the cartridge, booted up his DS, and was immediately sucked in through the screen.

"Welcome to the world of Pokémon!" an orange-haired woman in a lab coat announced to the still dazed Luka. "I am Professor Maple, Pokémon professor and creator of this little game."

"W-where am I?" stuttered. He glanced around the field he was standing in. Lush green plains extending out the sea, a dirt road leading to a forest, and a small but quaint village in the distance. For some reason, it felt nostalgic to him, like it was-

"Exactly like your typical Route 1, eh?" Maple cackled. "I'm nothing if I'm not a designer.”

“Look, lady, you better tell me who you are and where I am-”

“I already told you, silly. I am Professor Maple, creator of this game, and you’re in the world of Pokemon,” Maple sighed. “Some people just don’t listen, do they?”

“Pokemon…” Luka stepped back nervously. He looked around at the picturesque scene. He hadn’t paid much attention to it, but it seemed to be populated. Not by squirrels or birds or the like, though. They were bigger, rounder, and the type you’d see on your way to the first town. “Sentret...Pidove...Bidoofs… Those are real...right?”

“Yep! Well, as real as magically infused code can be, really,” Maple affirmed, though rather weakly. Her comments seemed to confuse the already dazed Luka. “Sorry, maybe I should explain. I’m a witch, and I used magic not only to bring you here but to bring the entire place to life. I’m all-powerful, of course, so it’s practically a whole separate world here.”

“A witch…” Luka stepped back nervously. “So, you’re here to curse me or something?”

“What? Oh, no no no no no! Nothing like that at all. I just want to use my talents to help give someone the experience of a lifetime!” Maple explained in a panic. Although he was still wary, her rather ditzy demeanor eased up Luka’s tension.

“Experience of a lifetime… You mean like actually being in a Pokemon game?”

“Yes! Exactly! I’m here to give you…” Maple quickly checked her phone. “Luka Peterson, the chance to experience the World of Pokemon in-person! Feel the rush as you experience Pokemon battles firsthand as you build bonds with friends and compete to become the champion!”

“Okay, okay, you don’t have to yell.”

“Sorry. The last guy that came in here kind of freaked out before I explained it to him, so I’m trying to sell it first…” Maple sighed. “Anyways, you don’t need to worry about anything. Just have fun on your Pokemon journey.

“I’ll be your support in the meanwhile. Lodging fees, meals, resources, and I can even modify the world a bit if you need a boost! Of course, that involves me modifying the code, and I’m not much of a coder, so don’t rely on me there… Haha.”

Although the entire premise of this cursed rom seemed a bit fishy, Luka couldn’t deny how lucrative it sounded. Being a Pokemon trainer, with no actual hassle to it? Almost every kid in their entire life has dreamed of something like that.

“In that case, I can’t refuse, can I?” Luka chuckled, raising his hand towards Maple. “Sure, I’ll take on this game of yours.”

“Oh, you thought you had a choice,” Maple said sweetly, eagerly shaking his outstretched hand. A bead of sweat trailed down his neck. Was that a threat? He had simply misheard her, right? “Oh, right, we can’t forget about your first Pokemon! Here!”

Maple pulled out a ball and, with a flourish of her fingers and a twist of her wrist, presented it to the newbie trainer. Taking the ball in his hand, he noted the small sticker plastered on its front, depicting a small brown Pokemon he knew all too well. “An Eevee, huh? Just like Let’s Go, I guess. Well then, come on out, Eevee-”

Before he could toss the ball, Maple grabbed his arm, pulling him down the dirt road. “Now, now! Why don’t we celebrate your new beginning with a little battle first? Here!”

Before he could say anything, Luka was pushed down into the grass, right in front of a Rattata! The purple mouse, startled by the trainer’s sudden appearance, leaped back before it bared its fangs. It seemed poised to attack.

“Maple! God damnit!” Luka cursed as he tried to jump back onto his feet. Every single Pokemon game always seemed to make a note that wild Pokemon would attack defenseless trainers, so he knew Maple had figuratively just thrown him to the wolves...well, rat, in this case. “Fine, let’s have a little fun then, you filthy rat! Go, Eevee!”

Luka threw the Pokeball onto the ground, watching it open up and blast out a bright red light. However, instead of the light forming an adorable little Eevee to fight for him, it instead arced upwards, hitting him directly.

"Aaaa… That felt weird…" Luka stuttered, stunned by the shock. He looked at the ground to see the Pokeball with nary an Eevee to be found. "Hey, Maple? I think something is wrong-"

He was interrupted as he bent forward, feeling something wrong in his gut. He scratched his arms, before coming into contact with...hair? Looking down, he saw his arms, seemingly thinning out, covered in a fast-growing layer of brown fur. His hands felt rough as pads formed on his palms and nails turned into claws.

"What is… Wait, don't tell me…" Luka muttered to himself, confirming his suspicions as he looked around, seeing the tall grass grow taller and taller around him. No, he was becoming smaller. Not just in height, but in frame as well, as his skeleton cracked and adjusted into a more dainty, feminine build. As the fur climbed from his arms to his chest, he could feel his pecs beginning to grow, increasing in size and weight until they became two sizable balls hanging from his chest.

Just when he closed his eyes and prayed things wouldn't get any worse, he could feel a tingle on his face. It was almost like his nose was being stretched out. Peeking out a little, he could see that it was partly true; his nose and mouth were growing out, becoming a short snout. The fur climbing all over his body soon began to cake his tingling face as it morphed in place, becoming more feminine as it was animalistic. He feared his hair would go too, though to his luck it only seemed to lengthen down to his shoulders.

His stomach twisted again and he fell to his knees, now gaining a layer of fur as well. Beyond that, however, he could feel his legs growing bigger, wider. His hips bucked as his ass ballooned out, tearing apart his pants. He could feel his cock, erect from some strange sort of pleasure, between his thighs, before feeling it slide out, receding into his crotch. As he reached down, his paws met a new pussy, slightly wet and seemingly begging to be filled.

The transformation seemingly settled as Luka’s body, now entirely an anthropomorphic female Eevee reached only about a foot in height. She tried to climb to her feet, struggling to stand properly on her two hind legs. It seems they transformed inside his shoes. "M-Maple? What's going on?"

"Right! Pokemon Trainer Maple, here to answer your concerns!" Maple announced as she appeared from nowhere. She had traded away her lab coat for a trainer's outfit, similar to what was left of Luka’s own.

"Trainer? Weren't you the professor?" Luka yipped. Maple looked at the tiny Eevee before a grin, partway innocent, partway twisted, formed on her face.

"While a player is a trainer, I take the form of the professor, but when the player becomes a pokemon, I become their trainer," Maple explained. "We don't want anyone to mistake you for a wild one or anything."

"While I'm a pokemon… You mean you planned this? That I'd be turned into an…"

"An Eevee. Yes. 'Experience Pokemon battles firsthand', remember? In this world, you, the player, will turn into a pokemon to compete in battles."

"But why? And why a…" Luka paused as she accidentally squeezed her breast. Her fur hid her apparent blush. "Why am I a girl?"

"It's my fetish," Maple said, matter-of-factly. Her brief sentence was perhaps the scariest thing Luka heard from the woman. "I created this world to satisfy my desire: to watch men be corrupted into furry pokemon girls! Now, Luka, use tackle!"

Before Luka could figure out what she meant, she felt the Rattata slam into her side. She flew back a foot before gaining back her footing. It hurt briefly, but that pain feeling got replaced by a strange sense of euphoria in her crotch. She...she didn't make him a masochist too, did she?

"I didn't want players to suffer too much, so I made it so that damage converts to pleasure," Maple explained, somehow reading Luka’s mind. "Of course, the less HP you have, the greater the pleasure received, and if you hit zero, you might be a bit too incapacitated to resist the Pokemon that beat you. The currently male one."

"That's fucked up!" Luka cried, avoiding another Rattata tackle before following up with one of her own. "You're into straight bestiality?"

"What, no. It's...more of an unintentional side effect…" Maple muttered sheepishly. For an evil witch who wanted to corrupt her, she seemed oddly timid at times. "Well, never mind. The pleasure is just another level of corruption! If you don't want to be some breeding bitch, then do your best, girl!"

"That's not very reassuring!" Luka yipped as she dealt one final tackle, knocking the Rattata out. She fell back onto her round, furry butt in exhaustion. The jingle of a level up rang in her ears, but she was too tired to even acknowledge it. Then, suddenly, she felt that same stomach twisting feeling once more, and in a poof, Luka had returned to his regular human-sized male body.

"Oh, I forgot to mention. When a battle finishes, you turn back to normal. Done in a poof too, since I don't want to watch your dick grow out again," Maple cackled, her trainer clothes turning back into the lab coat she had introduced herself in. "When you battle again, we'll have to turn you back into a cute little Eevee, full transformation and everything, so I hope you enjoy it."

"How do I quit."

"Excuse me?"

"How do I quit this shitty game," Luka asked, falling onto his back. "I don’t want to play this. Up-Select-B me out of this."

"Luka, I thought I told you. You're here to get corrupted into a furry pokemon girl, so until then-"

"Don't fucking test me," Luka growled.

"...We beat the champion. The only exit portal is in the hall of fame."

"You can't just fucking magic me away or some shit?"

"The...this world is complicated and...I'm not really a good coder…" Maple wept. Her evil witch persona was almost entirely flushed down the drain. "If we teleport, we might break the sequence, causing a crash and killing both of us. So we can only do this manually."

"What about this turning into a furry shit? Can you fix that?"

"I…the pointers for player pokemon refer to the furry models instead of wild Pokemon, so unless you want a party of MissingNo to crash the game…"

Just his fucking luck. Luka could only let out a sigh as he stared up into the blue sky, spotting a Starly flapping its hardest against the wind. A dream come true, ruined only by his benefactor's weird fetish. He was stuck between a rock, an immoral beast, and her magic spaghetti code.

"D-do you want to hear some good news?" Maple asked. Luka didn't answer. "Well… You reached Lvl 6. You even learned Bite!"

Not only did he have to fight as a furry girl, but now he could bite the enemy as well. He would complain about it if there wasn't some other more minor nitpick he for some reason took more issue with.

"Eevee doesn't learn Bite until like mid-20s."

"I...mixed up a lot of data…"


 Image Link: https://twitter.com/Avante92artblog/status/1001982574208716801

So, here's the start of a new series. It will be released as stories like this, feature an actual serial narrative, and it'll all be nsfw due to the nature of it. This is an idea I've been mulling over for over a year now. Early followers might remember me asking who their favourite gym leaders were. That was for a rough prototype of the series that unfortunately didn't make it anywhere. I had trouble writing this series because I really didn't know how to approach it, at least until I released a blog where I could push all the weird shit to. 

While I mentioned bestiality in the story, it won't get anywhere near that, so don't worry. The series will remain simply NSFW, not Extra NSFW.

The title is ass. I might change it later. Give suggestions if you have anything better!


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