Azeik Invasion!

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Caption 122!

Placeholder text 3: This Time, It’s Personal. But for real though, here’s a new series! Think of it as the spiritual successor to Sculptors (Which is going bye bye unfortunately), since every transformation style is basically the same as this one. I had several proto-ideas for this saga, including a Video Game where you get sucked into and have to complete certain tasks to get freed, but I feel like the recounts of a bunch of robotic symbiotes doing illogical experiments has a more humorous side to it.

Anyways, I hope you enjoy it, and as always, feedback is appreciated!


  1. This is great. this one reminds me of the absorption caption that you made before. It would be nice if you write another cap around if it was another that somehow got in by accident and it was written from that persons perspective. because in the absorption caption you wanted it to be in the other person perspective. I really enjoy what you make and you should keep going with this.


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