A Bogus Bad End


Image Link: https://www.pixiv.net/artworks/124686704 and https://twitter.com/25lima_1/status/1793267659666272584

Text Only: A Bogus Bad End

Caption 212 and 213! New series! I mentioned before that I planned to make a new series. That one fell through, unfortunately. This is a newer idea I had. The concept for this one was basically just a joke idea I had. “Man, you’ll do anything but write a conclusively bad end caption. Why not make one where they pretend it’s a conclusive bad ending?" I then drafted three potential ideas, which pushed it into mini-series territory, and then I drafted five more, which I believe gives it enough staying power as a proper series. This series also pushed me towards making that NSFW gallery, since, thanks to the premise of this series, there’s probably going to be a lot more explicit images and stories.

I’m entering the next entry in this series into a contest, so expect it either tomorrow or early Sunday.

Feedback is appreciated!


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