Parallel Bros - The Beginning


Caption 56! Caption related comment first though: I'm super miffed at how lazy I did this caption, but the leaf effect is a bit difficult to replicate. I might improve it someday.

Anyways, new series! Parallel Bros follows Vega and Connor as they swap into different universes, where they're typically in different bodies. This is meant to be more A. shorter stories with no explicitly described TF, B. comedic, and C. lewd. I hold myself back a lot when writing and I want to try to go a bit more extreme in some scenarios. Nevertheless, expect wacky fun times with our straight man Connor trying so hard to avoid Vega's many, many advances. Nothing permanent, no consequences, just a very pervy alien.

Don't worry about Parallel Highway Theory, it's how I explained magic in a different story I wanted to write.

Blog Note: This first caption doesn't do PB justice at all. This series has honestly become my favourite, thanks to me just being able to write w/e I want without any fear of consequences.


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